Hardware drivers download
(Common to: USB PET, USB CHUM, PSI. not needed for Bluetooth PET)
The file should be extracted using WinZip to a folder (Remember the location)
When plugging-in the USB system, direct the "New hardware found" wizard to that folder.
Download the latest drivers - Tested on Xp, Win7, Win8/8.1 Win10 32/64 bit
In case the above drivers do not work, please mail support@piletest.com. you may also try to Download an older version of the drivers (NOT digitally signed, works on XP, Win7)
In case the "new hardware found" wizard does not start when you plug-in the system
Follow those steps:
start device manager [Start]-(Right click)[Computer]-[Properties]-[Device manager]
plug in the PET/CHUM
locate the PET/CHUM icon under [Universal serial bus controllers] or [Other devices]
right click the PET/CHUM icon and select [Update driver software]
Instruct the [new hardware found] wizard to locate the drivers on the folder into which you have extracted the driver files
CHUM and PET (Evaluation)
Evaluation versions of our production software
The evaluation versions are identical to the production software. However - the hardware data source defaults to a software simulation.
Ask for the evaluation version
Need CHUM, PET software
Free download of the latest versions
This area is open to our users only. Software upgrades are free for 10 years.
The software is not protected by a hardware plug and does not requires any registration.
What pile size can be checked with pile integrity test method using PET
It depends on the Length to diameter L/d ratio and ground SPT value.
Use the basic guidline appeareing in this article